I officially have just over a week left in Granada.
Right now I would say I'm experiencing the same emotions I would at the end of a normal semester -- some stress about final projects, random reflections about the past 3-plus months, excitement to wrap up a chapter, and already some anxiety about what's next. I know it's natural for our thoughts to creep ahead to whatever's ahead on the horizon but I struggle finding a balance between living in the present and preparing for the future. Especially being in graduation season now and with the excitement of summer ahead my mind has been hung up on that same question: what's next? It's a tricky question and it doesn't take much for me to get wrapped up in that terribly and wonderfully big possibility. It makes me think back on my first blog post, though, and that phrase I've heard one-too many times: it will be revealed to you. Before coming into this semester I had no idea what to expect, but little by little I have made my way through new experiences and I'm the better for it. The same feels true of whatever comes next: I have no idea what to expect, but I'll make my way little by little and I'll be the better for it.
For now, I will be spending this last week soaking up my favorite parts of Spain before scooting off for some after-program travels. As classes end and I start to pack up my suitcase I'm putting together some final reflections on this experience. In the past, I've always learned more when I put into words the lessons or take-aways I wanted to carry with me from the experience, from travel trips to entire semesters of school. It's a slow process, but it feels good to tie together my learning in and out of school from this whole chapter living abroad. Tune in next week for that!
A lil recap on recent adventures:

One weekend last month I had the chance to go to a nearby village (Concha) and hike to a waterfall before seeing a performance with my Theater class. It sounds like an odd pairing, and it was, but it ended up being the most unexpected and delightful afternoon. I will never forget the feeling of walking under the freezing falling water...it was wild. I'm thankful to have these sorts of unusual opportunities that take me outside of the city and reconnect me to nature, especially on such a beautiful sunny day. Fun fact: this was on Earth day!

Another weekend some friends and I had beach day in Salobreña on the coast -- overall it was a great day but the wind was pretty crazy and the rocky beach made for an entirely different experience from Lake Michigan sand dunes. Regardless, I can now say I have swum in the Mediterranean.

By far my favorite moments these past few weeks have been watching the sunset with friends from any look-out/olive grove/hiking trail while we dive into a rag-tag picnic. Granada is a pretty hilly city so it's not hard to find a place with a view where we can spread a few blankets and spend a couple of hours together. Of all the things I will miss from this semester, I think sunset picnics top the list.

Most recently, I met up with my sister and her SO in Lisbon. For an afternoon we wandered around Sintra with epic castles and the most beautiful gardens. We even lucked out with perfect weather for a day of exploring.

Our second day in Lisbon was spent walking all over the hilly city...meaning we got to enjoy views like this! I loved seeing all the pastel-colored buildings and seeing the street car clatter all around. And the food! I would go back just for another pastel de nata.
Thank you to everyone who has been following along here or in other ways. I'm counting down the days until I can give you a hug in person and take you to my favorite coffee shop, but until then know that I'm sending boatloads of love from across the pond.