It's been a minute! This season (or "life semester" as I've been calling it) has seemed to pass both slowly and here we are already at the cusp of May and I'm just steeping in gratitude for the people and experiences who have shaped this time. Amidst lots of work hours, pouring into student ministry, and a handful of travel opportunities, these past months have challenged me to be intentionally present through all the daily transitions I face in a responsibility-rich time. People have also come alongside me during this time and left me with a sense that I have an abundance of cheerleaders in my life right now. I've sought out opportunities to mentor younger students and give of my time and resources in the hopes that people would feel seen and loved, in an effort to offer a fraction of the support I felt from older (& wiser) students as a wee first year. It's wild and it's beautiful how my 4 years have led me to follow that cycle from mentored to mentor and I hope to find future opportunities to cultivate both types of relationships in my life.

Speaking of mentors..of the people I mentioned who have come alongside me, these 2 aren't unique to this season of life but have been true staples to my time at Michigan for all 4 years. Tuck & Reb, your friendship and support mean the *world* to me and you each have special corners of my heart.

At the beginning of March, 50(!) students from UM set out to Baja, Mexico and later to the Grand Canyon for a time of community building, faith-based service, and awe-inspiring adventure. This picture captures the breathtaking rolling hills that surrounded our home for the week in Valle de Guadalupe.

The team! Leading with these people has been one of the greatest gifts during my college years. I'm consistently humbled by the example they set what it means to be a follower of Christ, and the intention, creativity, and energy they bring to our community is unmatched.
Different students wrote blog posts for each of the 8 days we adventured around Baja and the Southwest. You can find that blog separately here:

Fast forward to April: my Mom and I visited some family in Denver, CO as a (very) belated birthday gift. Our time was full of good food, mountain views, and quality time with people I love. On Saturday morning the sun was shining as we hiked around Roxborough State Park and even more-so on Sunday as we walked around downtown. Literally and figuratively it was a weekend of sunshine joy!

During our time in Denver I also got to reconnect with this sweet soul. I'm only just beginning to understand how friendships forged during this chaotic/spontaneous/stretching/silly time of life can continue to blossom even when hundreds (or thousands) of miles separate us. And as much as an in-person visit can reinvigorate a long-distance friendship, I've also been re-learning the abiding tenderness of being a consistent pen pal as a way to preserve a relationship. As more friends move to new places in the coming months, I hope that list of pen pals just keeps growing.
With May ahead, I'm looking toward some more breaks in routine with a week-ish of service with my YoungLife pals and later a trip with my Mom to South Carolina. Between these weeks I'm very much so working -- I realize this post may cast an impression of me as completely responsibility-free but that is not the truth of my current situation. However, I am blessed to have nuggets of time off that I'm seeking to maximize in every way.
So cheers to more adventures, more time outdoors (Spring will come in full eventually...), and holding on to a thankful heart.